Failure is an Options!

Keep Strugle for what you want to achieve

The Future is in your hand,

Future bright only if you have a plan and action to making happen.

The Maturity and Wisely!

Success people always have positive vibe with maturity of thinking and wisely attitude in living

The time is limited

Never waste your time, Because time is precious like a life and money

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012


Berikut ini adalah link untuk memandu sobat, bagaimana cara mendapatkan kartu debit "Card Visa" dari Alert Pay :

Semoga bermanfaat!


Berikut adalah link petunjuk untuk memandu sobat, bagaimana cara memverifikasi account alertpay :

Semoga Bermanfaat!

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

How to Settings GCC PATH Manually Via Windows

1. first, we can go to "START" button at left side corner, then find "My Computer Icon" then Right click-->properties.
2. after you see the table view, and see the several tab, choose--> Advanced.
3. then see the bottom of the table, choose--> Environment Variables.
4. in The table of environment variables, look into system variables, then find the "path" in the scroll --> click edit/double click.
5. add this componen into path at variables value box ";C:\>set PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;%path%"
6. just note and warning! remember the semicolons, (" ; ") command as partition beetwen other variables, and don't ever try to change everything variables if you do not understand, and then if you just edit/add new variables, it's okay!, but if try to change and delete everything, responsibility at your own risk!
7.after you've done click ---> "OK" button.

Thanks for Read!n&..

Cara Berlangganan NEW Paket Internet Smart yang Baru | Smart Unlimited

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 Kalau Masih belum Faham silahkan deh menuju Website resmi Smart Telekom.