Web Services Development and Desktop Application

Our service available which to give the best service to our customers company for any categories development.

3Gen it-Dev

3Gen it-Dev is the community that in it, have been founded by several students from widyatama university at faculty of engineer major in informatics engineering.

The Magisters of Engineering

Have been graduated Huraa!

Teaches in the class widyatama

Teach by Mr.Logic

Cyber Eye Bandung

Cyber Eye Bandung is one of all community that founded by Adi Ahmad Mat outside campus, and have a goal to be technopreneurs in expanding knowledge and business in information technology!

Samsung Academy

Meet Up with Samsung Android Community Bandung

We are in Event of Programming Contest ACM 2011

This Photo taken when Event of Programming Competition ACM which implemented with online system from Widyatama University through Bina Nusantara University and some of top university in Asia to United States as the Promoter.

Informatics Research Development Lab

My Friends and as Senior was built and assembly a robots in ERD Lab.

The Committee of Advance.Inc Go to Campus Widyatama - Saung Android Bandung Workshop and Seminar

On this seminar we're discuss, to provide training about how to developing and costumizing mobile android app with eclipse development tools and also there is the introducing for the new product of Advance Android products (VANDROID)

Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017

Cara push project ke bitbucket

1.Go to web bitbucket login/register, create repo, isi nama dan deskripsi file, klik ok.
2.open direktori with GIT BASH (right klik on project folder choose git bash).
Then type this..
3. git init
4.git add -A
5.git config --global user.email testuser@gmail.com
6.git config --global user.name testuser
7.git commit -m "Nama VersiProject"
8.git status  (to check status) then
 copy url remote repository :
9.git remote set-url origin https://adhieres@bitbucket.org/accountname/projectname.git
OR git remote add origin https://github.com/accountname/test.git
10.git push -u origin master
Please wait, Well done!

Cloning Repositori
git clone https://github.com/nama akun/nama repo.git

Menambahkan File & Push File di Github
Untuk menambahkan beberapa file ke repo yang telah dibuat ketikkan

cd direktori/ //Masuk ke direktori yang sudah di clone tadi
git add nama file atau * //tanda bintang untuk beberapa file sekaligus
git commit -m "first commit" //dalam tanda petik tulisan pesan
git push //masukkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi